Messages are what define when and what to send by email to a customer.
Message description: A brief identifier of what the message is. Foe example, 'Notice 10 days before due'.
Days to due date: Number of days to due date. Negative number means this message is reminding of a past due obligation.
Subject of message: This is the subject that will appear in the email message sent to customers.
Header of message body: Beginning of the message, before the lines indicating the document, the due date and the amount. Here you can put your salutation and all you can tell your customer.
Footer of message body: After the lines with the details of the document, you can add some lines and your signature.
NOTE: Both in header and footer, you can use HTML tags. See next section for a guide.
HTML tags are used to format your message. The format of tags is <tag> to start and </tag> to end.
<p>your text</p>: This will separate 'your text' in a single paragraph, with a line before and another after. You can use several other tags with a paragraph.
<h1>your header</h1>: this formats 'your header' as the biggest title. There are 6 sizes available, from h1 to h6.
<b>this</b> will be shown as this
<i>this</i> will be shown as this
<b><i>this</i></b> will be shown as this
NOTE: there are plenty of sources in the internet to learn about HTML (hyper text marking language) and you can use almost all of them in your messages.
Customer ID: a number to identify your customer. Usually is the tax id.
Customer: the name of the customer.
list of emails separated by commas (without spaces).
Document: number or name of the document to remind of.
Customer id: the id of the customer to send the reminder as configured in customers.
Due date: it is the actual due date of the document, and it is used to calculate whether a message should be sent today. Note that having several messages with different 'days to due date' will trigger sending different messages for different documents.
Currency: the currency to show in the reminder.
Amount: the amount to show in the reminder.
NOTE: you can create each line one by one, or you can import a list from an XLS worksheet.